Monday, June 29, 2009


... the words to a favorite song or quote. Come back to share what you chose and why. (And, if you can think of any image to illustrate memorizing, please pass along!)


  1. I'm first because this is one I'd already been working on (memorization still in progress). Forgive the long comment, but I'm going to share the whole thing. I love it so.

    Hold Fast Your Dreams
    Louise Driscoll

    Hold fast your dreams!
    Within your heart
    Keep one, still secret spot
    Where dreams may go,
    And sheltered so,
    May thrive and grow --
    Where doubt and fear are not.
    O, keep a place apart,
    Within your heart
    For little dreams to go!

    Think still of lovely things that are not true.
    Let wish and magic work at will in you.
    Be sometimes blind to sorrow. Make believe!
    Forget the calm that lies
    In disillusioned eyes.
    Though we all know that we must die,
    Yet you and I
    May walk like gods and be
    Even now at home in immortality!

    We see so many ugly things--
    Deceits and wrongs and quarrelings;
    We know, alas! we know
    How quickly fade
    The color in the west,
    The bloom upon the flower,
    The bloom upon the breast
    And youth's blind hour.
    Yet, keep within your heart
    A place apart
    Where little dreams may go,
    May thrive and grow.
    Hold fast -- hold fast your dreams!

  2. Nice poem, Lael. I especially like the line: "And youth's blind hour." I actually changed my selection mid-week when I happened on a quote that I needed more. The other day I did one of those stupid, too-emotionally-entangled reactions and was immediately embarrassed. I was determined to feel cruddy the rest of the day--a honed skill, I might add--I still ruminate over mistakes and faux pas I made a decade ago. Anyway, I decided I needed this quote more, from Ralph Waldo Emerson: "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense." Goodbye old nonsense, hello new!

  3. One that stuck with me since junior high...and always made me laugh...
    When picking up a man...bend your knees and use your legs, not your back.
