Monday, April 27, 2009


... in the shower, the car--wherever you want--just sing it like you're center stage on American Idol for the big win. No wimpy stuff. If it doesn't annoy your kids, it's not loud enough.

Which songs reverberate nicely off your shower walls? Any that always lift your mood? Or get you rockin' so you don't notice the guy staring at you at the stop light? Extra points to any carpoolers.


  1. Okay, this is going to be a challenge for me, but I accept. I have an okay voice, I just don't know the words to anything except Sesame Street songs.

  2. I immediately began to sing, woke up my 2 year old from his nap and made my 4 year old say, "stop mom, stop!" It was great! I have been in a great mood the last few days as I have tried harder to sing more often. My kids think I'm crazy most days anyways :) Thanks for verb living. I LOVE it!

  3. Love the "Stop Mom, stop!" Our week started out with that plea from my seven-year-old, but by Saturday he was singing along. Some of our favorites:
    * Best-song-to-make-my-two-year-old-daughter's-eyes-light-up: "Part of your World" from Disney's "The Little Mermaid"
    * Best-song-to-get-my-son-humming-along: Star Wars or "Michael (Jump in)" by No More Kings
    * Best-worst-song-ever (and I know every word): "Eternal Flame" by the Bengals
    * Best-song-for-biking or spin class: "Magic carpet ride" by Steppenwolf (not so much singing as panting)
    * Best-makes-you-wish-you-knew-all-the-words-and-had-oversize-bass-speakers-kickin'-out-the-car-trunk-song: "Come Together" by the Beatles

    To complete my geekiness, I find any Garth Brooks or Harry Connick, Jr. CD's easy to sing to. Luckily, my usual driving companion doesn't recognize my glaring singing mediocrity. As long as I belt out "The Mermaid Song" as a finale.

  4. Ya, my kids didn't like it either ... but it sure cheered me up!

  5. Until this week...

    ...I never realized I knew the words to so many different songs.

    ...I never realized that I can't not dance when I'm singing, even in the car.

    ...I never realized I was so awesome at singing songs at the top of my lungs.

    It was fun!

  6. I sang really loud to a song that is on a friend's blog and Ethan loved it. He actually started dancing. And then I started dancing. We played the song over and over and over... I have yet to find out what it's called or who it's by. I just liked it so I started singing along. Pretty catchy!

    (See "Kevin and Kristen Evans" on our friend blog link for the song...:)
